Allow the excerpt-include+ macro to include a specific excerpt macro from a page
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David Majninger (K15t) October 26, 2021 at 8:53 AM
This feature request has been closed without resolution due to it being out of scope for the product in its current state.
We recommend trying out Scroll Documents, which is our new-generation and Cloud-compatible app for versioning and documentation management. Its simpler management of versions and languages allows the use of the Multiexcerpt macro.
If Scroll Documents suits you, there is an automated migration tool that will help you migrate your content.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team.

M February 20, 2018 at 2:05 PM
Are there any news on this topic?

Nils Bier (K15t) June 26, 2017 at 8:38 AM
Hi ,
We're currently working on the feature to include content from other spaces, and are not focussing on the multi-excerpt capabilities.
However, this could be something that we tackle after the include from other spaces (which still needs some development time though).
As soon as there are any news, I'll communicate them here.
Jack Michel June 9, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Has there been any progress on the scroll versions multi-excerpt capability?
Kind regards,

Nils Bier (K15t) February 27, 2017 at 10:03 AM
Hi Jack,
as just commented under VSN-246 - we're planning to work on the content reuse functionality of Scroll Versions in the next releases. Currently I can't give you an ETA, as we're focusing on Confluence 6.0 compatibility right now.
As soon as there are any news, we'll update the improvements.
Right now every include needs to be stored on a separate page. Further information about reusing content with Scroll Versions can be found in our documentation:
I hope that helps. If you have any further questions regarding missing functionality or want to discuss your use case, please feel free to reach out to us via
We'll be happy to help.
As of 3.5.0 the excerpt-include+ macro always includes the first excerpt macro from the specified page.
We should provide a way to let the user put multiple excerpt macros on a page an choose which one to include with the excerpt include macro (similar to the multiexcerpt macro).