Support for version-aware, cross-space Links and Publishing

David Majninger (K15t) October 20, 2021 at 10:15 AM
This feature request has been closed without resolution due to it being out of scope for the product in its current state.
We recommend trying out Scroll Documents, which is our new-generation and Cloud-compatible app for versioning and documentation management. If the app suits you, there is an automated migration tool that will help you migrate your content to Scroll Documents.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team.

Laurel Counts July 17, 2017 at 2:50 PM
Thank you. Very interested to hear that update...
Tobias Anstett (K15t) July 17, 2017 at 8:56 AMEdited
This feature is currently not supported in Scroll Versions.
Scroll Versions allows you to manage a single documentation in a single space. We are working on content re-use where we introduce the concept of connected spaces VSN-3367. As soon as this epic is solved we will evaluate if its concept could also be leveraged for this issue.
Please watch the epic for status updates.
Tobias Anstett (K15t) July 18, 2012 at 7:18 AM
In our bi-weekly call we discussed that links should point to master pages instead of versioned pages. Future feature should be some kind of link migration.

Lingbo Lu July 16, 2012 at 11:49 PM
" but you will be able to directly link to the page in the AOD space, that is published from the JIRA space."
We need to update the links one by one I assume? Thanks!

Space setup
Source spaces where Scroll Versions is enabled and the versions:
UPM: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, each depending on the previous one.
BONFIRE: 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3, with the latter two both depending on 2.2
Steps and issues
On page, i.e. version 1.2, add a link to page, i.e. version 2.3.
Save the page.
In space BONFIRE, go to the Scroll Verions admin page, and publish version 2.3 to a new space with the spacekey set to BONFIRE23.
In space UPM, go to the Scroll Versions admin page, and publish version 1.2 to a new space with the spacekey set to UPM12.
Go to page, and click the link. It points back to instead of
Go to page, and click the link. It points back to instead of
I'd expected the links to point to the published spaces?
Another issue:
The link texts are different when in different spaces and in editing/view page modes as you can see from the three screenshots.