Publish all languages to a remote system

David Majninger (K15t) August 3, 2020 at 9:24 AM
Hi ,
the manual creation is not a requirement, you just need to make sure languages are available in the space. For a case like yours with many languages and frequent publishing, one could use a template space with all the languages one needs that can be replicated by publishing it in the remote instance. I have added detailed steps in the description above under Workaround #2.
Please let me know if this could work for you.
Michael July 31, 2020 at 6:52 AM
As I’m not sure about it but would this mean that we would need to manually create all of our 17 languages every time before we publish to a new space to keep the version available (we have about 50 spaces to publish)?

David Majninger (K15t) July 31, 2020 at 5:56 AM
Resolved due to lack of interest and simple workaround.
Won't Do

Fix versions
Backbone Issue Sync
Backbone Issue Sync
Created January 19, 2018 at 10:27 AM
Updated March 17, 2023 at 2:03 PM
Resolved July 31, 2020 at 5:35 AM
When publishing all languages of a multi-language space to a remote system, all languages should be published if Scroll Translations is active in the remote system.
Right now only the default language + languages that already exist in the target space get published.
This means that when publishing a space with 3 languages to a new space with "all languages" enabled, only the default language will be published.
Workaround #1
Manually create the languages in the target space on the external Confluence instance.
Workaround #2
Creating a template space:
Create a blank space on the public instance with any space key, we'll use TEMPLATE. This is going to be your template space.
Create all languages you would like to publish to your remote instance.
Create a version which we'll call "BLANK".
Navigate to the homepage of the template space, which should be the only page in your space. Edit it in the newly created version to make it a versioned page.
Delete the page in the current version using ••• > Delete.
Publishing from internal to remote instance using the template space:
Navigate to the TEMPLATE space.
Publish the version BLANK to a new space within the public instance and select "All Languages" in the options. Make sure to select a space key you would like to use for your documentation, we'll call it DOCS45. The DOCS45 space now should be an empty space with all the necessary languages created.
From the internal instance, publish to the remote instance. Select the "To an existing space" option and select DOCS45.