- Improve reporting of XML stream error when importing translation fileVSN-2819Resolved issue: VSN-2819
- Scroll Upgrade Manager ignores build number on downgradeVSN-2762
- Confluence 5.9 compatibility for 2.8.xVSN-2518Resolved issue: VSN-2518
- Remote publishing creates config objects for target and stores them in the source systemVSN-2499Resolved issue: VSN-2499
- ScrollUpgradeManager fails on site importVSN-2474Resolved issue: VSN-2474
- Links can not be added to existing blogposts in spaces managed with Scroll Versions or Scroll TranslationsVSN-2419Resolved issue: VSN-2419
- Make PageKeys non-clickable when users has already accessed the URL using this PageKeyVSN-2415Resolved issue: VSN-2415
- Publish hierarchy fails if parent - child relationship has turned aroundVSN-2412
- Pages with Content by label macro scoped to a space render an error after upgrade to Confluence 5.8VSN-2405Resolved issue: VSN-2405
- Tree remembers pages with special characters in title separately to pages with "normal" page titleVSN-2373Resolved issue: VSN-2373
- Translated page is listed as not translated pageVSN-2358Resolved issue: VSN-2358
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