Show list of synchronizations even if one connected instance is not reachable
At the moment, in the overview page of Backbone we are loading the list of synchronizations by loading the configuration data from the database. Additionally, we check for each synchronization if the connected instance is still running/reachable (e.g. for some license checks), so that we can indicate if there is an error in a synchronization. The drawback is that as soon as a connection to one other server is slow, it slows down the whole loading process of the list of synchronizations. In rare cases this can lead to not showing any sycnhronizations which can make users afraid that they have lost every configuration.
Suggested Improvement
Load all synchronizations from the database without making separate calls to the connected servers. Either make separate calls for each synchronization or do not do them at all.
At the moment, in the overview page of Backbone we are loading the list of synchronizations by loading the configuration data from the database. Additionally, we check for each synchronization if the connected instance is still running/reachable (e.g. for some license checks), so that we can indicate if there is an error in a synchronization. The drawback is that as soon as a connection to one other server is slow, it slows down the whole loading process of the list of synchronizations. In rare cases this can lead to not showing any sycnhronizations which can make users afraid that they have lost every configuration.
Suggested Improvement
Load all synchronizations from the database without making separate calls to the connected servers. Either make separate calls for each synchronization or do not do them at all.