Improve the processing of gadget macros for exports
It is possible to include a gadget macro on a Confluence page which provides information from another source (e.g. Jira). However, this information included on the Confluence page does not export. Therefore, the Gadget macro should be processed in the same way as the Scroll exporters deal with widgets.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a dashboard in Jira and add the Agile Velocity Chart add on from Broken Build.
Create a chart and then follow these steps to add the chart to a Confluence page.
Export the page to PDF
Expected result: The chart included on the Confluence page is included in the export
Actual result: The chart is not included in the export
Simon Teppett November 6, 2020 at 8:05 AM
Thnkas we had success with that !
Jens Rutschmann (K15t) November 4, 2020 at 3:06 PM
Hi ,
I was referring to macros, not widgets. There are no widgets known to be working.
Examples of 'report-like' macros are for example the native page properties report and jira-issues macros. We've also worked for example with vendors of several diagram apps so their macros work better with our exporters.
A rule of thumb is that if an app vendor ensures their macros work with Confluence's built-in exporters then they will also work with ours. If that's not the case yet we can work with the vendor to find a solution. That's because the macro feature in Confluence is designed in a way allowing export support to be added.
Hope that clarifies things a bit.
Cheers, Jens
Simon Teppett November 4, 2020 at 2:26 PM
Thanks for the update. You mention 3rd party widgets - are there any that you know work OK right now?
Jens Rutschmann (K15t) November 4, 2020 at 1:50 PM
Hi and others,
I've added a status update to the issue description. I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way gadgets and widgets work.
Cheers, Jens
Johannes Fuertler October 1, 2020 at 4:30 PM
Hi Nils & Thomas!
Any news on that? Confluence without gadgets is like a great meal without salt…
Most important to us are reports from eazyBI embedded into pages. Maybe they use a different method than the standard gadgets.
It is possible to include a gadget macro on a Confluence page which provides information from another source (e.g. Jira). However, this information included on the Confluence page does not export. Therefore, the Gadget macro should be processed in the same way as the Scroll exporters deal with widgets.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a dashboard in Jira and add the Agile Velocity Chart add on from Broken Build.
Create a chart and then follow these steps to add the chart to a Confluence page.
Export the page to PDF
Expected result:
The chart included on the Confluence page is included in the export
Actual result:
The chart is not included in the export