The grey background behind ImageMap dialogue disappears
Confluence 5.10.0

Former user August 22, 2016 at 2:14 PM
I think this is related to Confluence itself because are using the API open a dialog and we are only responsible for the content area which runs in an isolated iframe.
Steps to reproduce:
Open a Confluence page in two incognito tabs
Click Edit the page in both tabs
In the first tab select ImageMap macro (a pop up should be displayed)
In the second tab type something, wait for the autosave to happen
The first tab should have a blue pop up in the top right corner, click review changes
A screen with content comparison is displayed, click Discard
Expected result:
After discarding changes the grey dimmed background should be displayed
Actual result:
The grey background disappears, which makes it hard to determine if the pop up is actually on top of the page, or if it is a content.