Merging versions does not work with pages with same pagetitle

Nils Bier (K15t) May 30, 2017 at 2:20 PM
Hi Richard,
There's no easy way to get a list of those pages, as you'd need to work with Database requests and check if the Confluence Page Title is the same as the Scroll Title (see our docs for some background information about the Scroll Title) for every page.
In your database there is a table AO_xxxx_SCROLL_LOOKUP_INDEX. In there, every entry has the fields CONFLUENCE_PAGE_ID, PLAIN_TITLE and SPACE_KEY. With the SPACE_KEY you can filter for all pages in your space. Then you have to search for the corresponding Confluence page trough the CONFLUENCE_PAGE_ID in the "content" table, where all Confluence pages are stored. Once you found the entry with the Confluence Page Id in this table, you have to check if its title equals the PLAIN_TITLE from the first table.
It might be easier to check the URLs manually instead.

Richard Humphrey-Taylor May 30, 2017 at 4:08 AM
I have now listed and sorted all our page titles, and have a list of the 60+ titles that are duplicated. Before we do a merge between versions, is there an easy way to check if a Permalink which is the same as the page title already exists?
That would give us a chance to fix the Permalinks before we do the merge.
Thanks, Richard
Doug Griffiths May 17, 2017 at 8:10 PMEdited
As my colleague Richard has pointed out, this is a major issue for our implementation of Confluence and Scroll Versions. Effectively the merge process is useless while this bug exists. I also agree with David Joy - typically technical documentation will have duplicate page titles. This should have been taken into account when the merge functionality was designed. Looking forward to a speedy resolution.

David Joy May 17, 2017 at 7:54 PM
Hello @Nils Bier, a Merge will typically have some 6-10 Duplicate Pagetitles

Richard Humphrey-Taylor May 17, 2017 at 7:48 PM
We have to merge content between versions regularly, so this problem is a major pain for us. We spent a lot of time trying to work out the problem before we discovered it's a known issue. There should be a warning on the Merge documentation page:
When trying to merge a version with multiple pages with the same pagetitle, the merge functionality does not work without any reaction.
In the browser console there's a 400 - Bad request error (see screenshot)
Rename one of the pages with duplicate page title
To reproduce
Import attached XML
Open Scroll Content Management Admin and try to merge version 2.0 in version 1.0