Copying an unversioned page to another space does not work in Confluence 5.9 and below

Nils Bier (K15t) November 30, 2016 at 9:08 AMEdited
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that we've released Scroll Versions 3.3.2, including a fix for this issue.
Please update to the latest version.
Roman Serazhiev October 5, 2016 at 8:01 AMEdited
The issue is not longer reproducible in Confluence 5.10 as it is described in the description. Copying unversioned page to other spaces works unless Duplicate Page Title is enabled in Advanced Settings. See: VSN-3072.
When trying to copy unversioned pages, the page will not saved to the selected space, but to the initial space.
To reproduce
Open a unversioned page
Click Tools > Copy and select another space location
Click Save
expected: The page gets copied to the other space.
actual: "Page not found" is displayed and the page is copied within the initial space.