Allow re-use of sections of a page, similar to the multi-excerpt macro.
Tobias Anstett (K15t) June 7, 2018 at 2:20 PM
Duplicate of VSN-3052
Former user June 24, 2014 at 12:03 PM
The topic is already cover by VSN-246
Matthias Krohn June 23, 2014 at 3:24 PM
Although I understand the ideas behind the assumptions in the mentionend FAQ, this does not match the needs of all your customers. If we would realize your assumptions we would end with thousands pages in the include library. You do not really reckon this can managed or overviewed by technical authors with Confluence, do you?
One reason for the intensive use of a multi-excerpt macro or a simularly solution, is writing technical documentation for basic users as well as for advanced users. For this purpose we want to have the same theme described in detail as well as in a short version. The detailed version may be either for an administrator who needs additional background information or for a basic user who needs more step-by-step instructions than an advanced user. For the short version of a description we would like to use multi-excerpts of the detailed description. In this scenario the excerpts are sentence or paragraph based. But we don't want to have sentences or paragraphs in own pages.
Another use case to use only excerpts of a page are marketing purposes.
We are just starting with Scroll Content Management only having about hundred pages. Can we assume that a solution will be provided within this year or do we need to overwork our use of Confluence by ground?
See FAQ entry: