Removed child pages are not getting deleted but moved to the root level when using Remote publishing


Child pages of (versioned) pages which are first published to a remote space and then removed in the source space (= remove change), are not removed completely, but instead only moved to the root level. This affects page hierarchies if the root page and child page are removed and then published to a remote space.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup VSN in a source space with at least one version, connect target space with Scroll Remote Publishing Endpoint installed.

  2. Create a hierarchy in the source space with a root and child page (compare attachment)

  3. Publish to remote space in one version.

  4. Now delete root and child page in that version.

  5. Publish again to remote space.

Expected result:

  • Child and root page are removed.

Actual result:

  • Root page is removed, but child page is on the top level. (Check this by accessing "Pages" below the space home page and take a look at the available pages, see second screenshot)


  • The issue might be that the root page is removed first and Confluence then moves the child page to the root level automatically, but now the source hierarchy doesn't match the hierarchy in the target space.

  • Also test if the result is visible with only removing the root page.

  • Using the local publishing mechanism, the problem didn't arise, but should be tested again.


Confluence 5.8, 6.13.4


  • 08 Mar 2016, 01:05 PM
  • 08 Mar 2016, 01:04 PM



Felicity Chapman July 2, 2019 at 5:02 PM

I tripped over this for the first time last week disappointed face
I had to delete around 150 pages manually from a production site.




Time tracking

45m logged

Affects versions

Backbone Issue Sync

Created March 8, 2016 at 1:05 PM
Updated March 17, 2023 at 2:03 PM