The title of the change page is taken from non-default language


Long description:
The title of the change page is taken from non-default language when saving a translation and creating a versioned page at the same time.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a space, activate translations with at least 2 languages (set default to English)

  2. Create a page in English

  3. Activate Scroll Versions by creating an initial version

  4. Go to the created in step 2 page

  5. Select non-default language, click Edit

  6. Modify the title, add the translation, save the page

  7. Page becomes versioned

  8. Go to View in hierarchy, observe the title of the change page (dot-page)

Expected result:
The page title should in default language

Actual result:
The title of the change page is set in the language we used to translate and switch the page to a versioned one.


  1. Save the content of the versioned page in another Confluence page

  2. Convert the page to unversioned

  3. Convert page to versioned

  4. Add the content from the saved page to a version


Confluence 5.9.7








Affects versions

Backbone Issue Sync

Created April 15, 2016 at 9:09 AM
Updated March 15, 2024 at 10:01 AM