RefinedWiki breadcrumbs display page titles in default language
Confluence 5.9.12, 5.10.4
RefinedWiki 5.0.8, 5.0.9
Christoffer Bromberg (K15t) October 13, 2016 at 8:19 PM
Resolved by commit on VSN-3055.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space
Activate Scroll Translations by defining English as default, German as a second language
Create a page "Page A in English", translate it to "Page A in German" in German language
Under "Page A in English" create another page "Page B in English", translate it to "Page B in German"
Switch the theme in the space to RefinedWiki
Switch to German language, open "Page B in German" page
Look at the breadcrumbs
Expected result:
Breadcrumbs display page titles in German. Parent page is displayed as "Page A in German"
Actual result:
Breadcrumbs display page titles in English (default language). Parent page is displayed as "Page A in English"