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Steps to reproduce:
Create a space and activate Scroll Versions by creating an initial version
Open Space tools > Scroll Add-ons > Additional Settings → Manage Settings > Click checkbox Activate Search Engine Optimization in this space
Open the space → switch to Blogs
Create a new Blog Post, or
Open an existing Blog Post
Expected result:
A blog post is created
A blog post is opened
Actual result:
While the blog post gets created, the page with "Page not found" is shown.
It's not possible to open existing blogposts from Blog-Overview and from pages containing blog-overview macro.
Workaround:Switch off the Scroll Versions SEO functionality.
Confluence 6.2.3
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space and activate Scroll Versions by creating an initial version
Open Space tools > Scroll Add-ons > Additional Settings → Manage Settings > Click checkbox Activate Search Engine Optimization in this space
Open the space → switch to Blogs
Create a new Blog Post, or
Open an existing Blog Post
Expected result:
A blog post is created
A blog post is opened
Actual result:
While the blog post gets created, the page with "Page not found" is shown.
It's not possible to open existing blogposts from Blog-Overview and from pages containing blog-overview macro.
Switch off the Scroll Versions SEO functionality.