Copying a page with Include+ to a non-managed space results in an error


Use-case with copying a page to a space without Versions or Translations

When copying a page PS from a space S using Scroll Translations to another space T also using Scroll Translations, working include+ macros used on page PS in space S including page IPS breaks in new space T even though in new space T a page IPT is existing with same title (and content) as included page IPS in space S.

Error message on viewing copied page in space T
Error rendering macro 'include' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: No page title provided.

Steps to reproduce when copying a page to a space without Versions or Translations

  1. Create space Source with two languages.

  2. Create space Target with same two languages.

  3. Create page Included in space Source.

  4. Create page Included in space Target.

  5. Create page Including in space Source and enter include+ macro including page Included.

  6. Copy page Including from space Source to space Target.

Use-case with editing a page in a space without Versions or Translations

Steps to reproduce when editing a page in a space without Versions or Translations

  1. Create a space Test

  2. Create a page Include

  3. Create a page Hello, insert Include+ macro to include a page Include

  4. Edit the page Hello, click Save

Expected result:
Included content is shown on a page

Actual result:
An error is shows instead of the included content: com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: No page title provided.


Confluence 6.12.1








Affects versions

Backbone Issue Sync

Created April 21, 2017 at 2:03 PM
Updated March 15, 2024 at 10:34 AM