In spaces that use "Duplicate pagetitles" only the title is hidden in the template editor
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space
Turn on "duplicate page title" feature
Go to Space Tools > Content Tools > Tempates and Create New Template or Edit an existing template
Type into the title field of the template editor
Expected result: Title should be visible in the template editor
Actual result: Title is invisible
Workaround: You can still edit the template as wanted (including the title), saving works also - this is only a problem in the template editor. If you need to make the editor title visible, put the following CSS in the Custom HTML or in the space stylesheet
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space
Turn on "duplicate page title" feature
Go to Space Tools > Content Tools > Tempates and Create New Template or Edit an existing template
Type into the title field of the template editor
Expected result:
Title should be visible in the template editor
Actual result:
Title is invisible
You can still edit the template as wanted (including the title), saving works also - this is only a problem in the template editor.
If you need to make the editor title visible, put the following CSS in the Custom HTML or in the space stylesheet