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Scroll Versions, Scroll Translations installed on the source instance
Scroll Translations, Scroll Remote Publishing Endpoint installed on the remote instance
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new space
Create an initial version
Define English as default language, add German and French
Create a new page, translate it to all languages
Publish all languages to a new space on the remote instance
Navigate to the published space on the remote instance
Expected result:Scroll Translations toolbar is displayed with ability to switch between languages
Actual result:Scroll Translations toolbar is not displayed
Workaround:Define the same set of languages (default languages should also match) in the remote space as in the source one.
Confluence 6.6.2, 6.9.0, 6.13.0, 6.14.0
Scroll Versions, Scroll Translations installed on the source instance
Scroll Translations, Scroll Remote Publishing Endpoint installed on the remote instance
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new space
Create an initial version
Define English as default language, add German and French
Create a new page, translate it to all languages
Publish all languages to a new space on the remote instance
Navigate to the published space on the remote instance
Expected result:
Scroll Translations toolbar is displayed with ability to switch between languages
Actual result:
Scroll Translations toolbar is not displayed
Define the same set of languages (default languages should also match) in the remote space as in the source one.