Restrictions cache not updated when creating a change page
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space with one version
Create a versioned page "parent page" in that version
When on the page, go to "page information"
Click "restrictions" in the ...-menu and add a restriction to the page
Go back and view the page in the version
Click create
Add a title and save the new page
Go to the page information of the new page
Expected result: The change page inherits no permissions
Actual result: The change page inherits the restrictions from the first change page. The restrictions cache seems not to be updated when the new change page is moved under its master page (from the parent change page, on which "create" was clicked")
Steps to reproduce:
Create a space with one version
Create a versioned page "parent page" in that version
When on the page, go to "page information"
Click "restrictions" in the ...-menu and add a restriction to the page
Go back and view the page in the version
Click create
Add a title and save the new page
Go to the page information of the new page
Expected result:
The change page inherits no permissions
Actual result:
The change page inherits the restrictions from the first change page. The restrictions cache seems not to be updated when the new change page is moved under its master page (from the parent change page, on which "create" was clicked")
Flush Confluence caches, rebuild ancestor table