To maintain consistent page titles, publishing a language to a remote instance with Scroll Versions installed should provide an option to keep Scroll Page Title as a page title


When using the option to "keep permalinks of the original language", Scroll Versions would do exactly that: publish permalinks (the actual Confluence page title of the page) of pages for the default language.

When this option is not enabled, and a user publishes the non-default language, Scroll Versions would still publish permalinks (not Scroll Page titles) but taken from the publishing language. There would still be "1" added to the page title.

For example, let's assume I have pages with permalinks in the default English language as "English Page" and "English Page 1". Their Scroll Page Titles are the same: "English Page". I then translate both pages and change both their page titles in German (non-default language) to "German Page". Keep in mind that their actual permalinks are still "English Page" and "English Page 1".

Here is what happens if I publish German to the remote Confluence:

  • with "keep permalinks of the original language" → page titles would be "English Page" and "English Page 1"

  • without "keep permalinks of the original language" → page titles would be "German Page" and "German Page 1"

Here is what happens if I publish English (default language) to the remote Confluence:

  • with or without "keep permalinks of the original language" → page titles would be "English Page" and "English Page 1"

Regardless of the state of the "keep permalinks of the original language", Scroll Page Titles won't be published → +1 will be added to the title.








Backbone Issue Sync

Created August 12, 2019 at 8:53 AM
Updated March 17, 2023 at 2:05 PM