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Steps to reproduce:
Use Pacific Standard Time as timezone and start a new Confluence instance.
Create a space with Scroll Versions (create one version and set a release date for this version, e.g. 8th November 2016).
Create an exporter template which is using the placeholder $scrollVersions.Version.ReleaseDate, e.g. on the title page.
Export the space, e.g. using PDF Exporter.
Expected result:The release date in the exported file matches the release date from the version.
Actual result:The release date is off by one day (this may depend on the time, tested it at 11am GMT).
Tested on Confluence 5.10
Steps to reproduce:
Use Pacific Standard Time as timezone and start a new Confluence instance.
Create a space with Scroll Versions (create one version and set a release date for this version, e.g. 8th November 2016).
Create an exporter template which is using the placeholder $scrollVersions.Version.ReleaseDate, e.g. on the title page.
Export the space, e.g. using PDF Exporter.
Expected result:
The release date in the exported file matches the release date from the version.
Actual result:
The release date is off by one day (this may depend on the time, tested it at 11am GMT).