Version's release date is off by one day
Confluence 5.9.7
Roy Lu July 29, 2016 at 4:41 PMEdited
Hi, I have upgraded to 3.2.0, but this issue is still there. I am on Confluence 5.10.2, my computer is in the same timezone as the system timezone.
Created April 26, 2016 at 3:02 PM
Updated September 17, 2024 at 12:33 PM
Resolved August 21, 2016 at 7:02 PM
Long description:
Version's release date is off by one day if client's workstation time zone is at least +1 compared to the server's timezone Confluence is running on.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Confluence from a PC that has a timezone set to +1 compared to Confluence's server (e.g. if Confluence's server is set to GMT+1, use a PC with GMT+2 or higher)
Go to a space with Scroll Versions activated
Choose a version -> Edit
Add a release date for a version: 12/31/15
Click Save
Expected result:
After saving the release date is 12/31/15
Actual result:
After saving the release date is 12/30/15
Additional notes:
Setting any timezone in the user's Confluence profile doesn't affect anything.