Inconsistent behaviour when creating a remove change
David Majninger (K15t) September 27, 2021 at 3:07 PM
This feature request has been closed without resolution due to low interest and it being out of scope for the product in its current state.
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Won't Do
Backbone Issue Sync
Backbone Issue Sync
Created October 7, 2014 at 11:47 AM
Updated March 22, 2023 at 1:23 PM
Resolved September 27, 2021 at 2:49 PM
When a remove change is created or an existing change is marked as removed, then the behaviour regarding retention of content (page content, attachments, labels) differs:
If you remove a real change (i.e. a change that contains edited content and does not fallback to another change in the version history or an unversioned page), then all the content is retained in the change page - it is merely marked as a remove change and thus is unavailable. You can then come back any time in the future and decide not to remove the change, click edit and you will have exactly the same content as you had at the moment you removed the change.
If you remove a change, that falls back to an unversioned page or to another change, an empty change page is created and marked as removed. If you continue to edit those fallbacks, then you will not be able to return to the removed change and continue your work from the same content.
Thus the behaviour is inconsistent.