Links from "View In Hierarchy" should be keeping Author View context

David Majninger (K15t) October 11, 2021 at 2:42 PM
This feature request has been closed without resolution due to low interest and it being out of scope for the product in its current state.
We recommend trying out Scroll Documents, which is our new-generation and Cloud-compatible app for versioning and documentation management.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team.
Tobias Anstett (K15t) July 17, 2017 at 9:06 AM
We just accepted the issue for our backlog. The idea is to use the same tree as we use it in the space + support of re-ordering.
However this issue is not part of our current roadmap and not likely be implemented soon.

Nils Bier (K15t) June 26, 2017 at 7:42 AM
Hi Sibylle,
Thanks for getting in touch.
We'll discuss this request internally and will come back to you as soon as there are any news (so far this has not been scheduled for any release).

SybilleW June 21, 2017 at 6:13 AM
Hello, any news?

SybilleW February 16, 2017 at 1:53 PM
Hello, any news?
Clicking any master page link on the "View in Hierarchy" page (/pages/reorderpages.action) is opening the selected page in Public View even though user had previously watched a page in Author View.
This happens most of the times. Not always.
Same scenario is working fine when selecting the page in the page tree on the left hand side.
It would be very nice if View in Hierarchy was working the same way.
Behaviour occurs in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
Steps to reproduce:
Open any page in a space with a published version.
Choose Author View.
Choose View in Hierarchy from the general page menu.
Open any page from this hierarchy page.
The page (most probably) is opened in Public View.