- Scroll ImageMap Macro displays error "Could not render imagemap macro." in the Confluence editor viewIMGMP-302
- Scroll ImageMap Compatibility with Live Edit Pages (Cloud)IMGMP-301Resolved issue: IMGMP-301
- Improve the display of the Scroll ImageMap macro in edit modeIMGMP-300Resolved issue: IMGMP-300
- Scroll Imagemaps sometimes shrink/flicker on the pageIMGMP-287Resolved issue: IMGMP-287
- ImageMap does not resize correctly when adjusting browser zoomIMGMP-284Resolved issue: IMGMP-284
- Make ImageMap responsive for CloudIMGMP-275Resolved issue: IMGMP-275
- ImageMap macros should be visible when viewing Confluence pages through Jira Service Desk viewIMGMP-261
- Add rich text formatting to tooltipIMGMP-254
- Links to pages with special characters in the title are broken on CloudIMGMP-251Resolved issue: IMGMP-251
- Scroll ImageMap is missing a getting started pageIMGMP-214
- On Confluence Server >= 6.0 or Cloud cannot link to a page or attachment in the same space when on a new pageIMGMP-210Resolved issue: IMGMP-210
- Error when typing into the link field: d.abort is not a functionIMGMP-209Resolved issue: IMGMP-209
- Ability to right-align or center ImageMap macrosIMGMP-208Resolved issue: IMGMP-208
- Show dynamic macro placeholder in the editor (server)IMGMP-197Resolved issue: IMGMP-197
- On Confluence >= 6.0 can't find an image on the Current Page when creating a pageIMGMP-195Resolved issue: IMGMP-195
- TypeError: Unable to get property '1' of undefined or null referenceIMGMP-192Resolved issue: IMGMP-192
- Make it possible to import a space using Scroll ImageMap from Cloud to the ServerIMGMP-190
- Can't find images in "This space" when creating an ImageMap on existing page in personal spaceIMGMP-189Resolved issue: IMGMP-189
- When creating an image map on a new page you cannot choose image from "Current page" again after selecting a different optionIMGMP-188Resolved issue: IMGMP-188
- Can't find pages in "This space" when creating link on ImageMap in personal spaceIMGMP-187Resolved issue: IMGMP-187
- 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error due to large shape definitionsIMGMP-163Resolved issue: IMGMP-163
- Tenant caching does not react correctly to updatesIMGMP-155Resolved issue: IMGMP-155
- Restrict search for wildcard searchesIMGMP-147Resolved issue: IMGMP-147
- Add horizontal scroll bars to large imagesIMGMP-140
- Change log level if the content entity wasn't to warningIMGMP-138Resolved issue: IMGMP-138
- No image selectedIMGMP-131Resolved issue: IMGMP-131
- Improve handling of dialogs on small screen resolutionsIMGMP-120Resolved issue: IMGMP-120
- Under certain circumstances setting a size for the ImageMap image could prevent exporting the page to PDF and WordIMGMP-118Resolved issue: IMGMP-118
- Ability to use mouse/trackpad scroll for zoomIMGMP-111
- ImageMap should check if an external image is found/accessibleIMGMP-110
- Allow drag and drop an image on ImageMap during EditIMGMP-109
- Ability to filter for space nameIMGMP-108
- External URL should prepend http/https by defaultIMGMP-107Resolved issue: IMGMP-107
- When cursor is in the change-shape area, change it to a handIMGMP-106
- Ability to draw ovals/non-perfect circleIMGMP-105
- Introduce slider to size optionsIMGMP-104
- ImageMap is not rendered with Include ExcerptIMGMP-101Resolved issue: IMGMP-101
- Text entered as tooltip in the editor will be limited after saving to 19 charactersIMGMP-100Resolved issue: IMGMP-100
- Long tooltips are cutIMGMP-98Resolved issue: IMGMP-98
- Improve the search for pages/attachments when linking shapeIMGMP-96Resolved issue: IMGMP-96
- The initial selection of the scope to search for a attachment or a page in the accordion of a shape is always set to the current spaceIMGMP-85Resolved issue: IMGMP-85
- Ability to choose image without typing its nameIMGMP-80Resolved issue: IMGMP-80
- Add support for IE 10IMGMP-54Resolved issue: IMGMP-54
- Allow to remove points in polygonIMGMP-50Resolved issue: IMGMP-50
- Show a loading blanked and resize it in the view to the image dimension before the image is loadedIMGMP-48Resolved issue: IMGMP-48
- Support to use external images to defined shapes on top of itIMGMP-47Resolved issue: IMGMP-47
- Integrate ngrok as part of the webpack buildIMGMP-39Resolved issue: IMGMP-39
- Open / follow links in same windowIMGMP-27Resolved issue: IMGMP-27
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